Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Time.

I´m sorry I haven´t blogged in a while. Well, a lot has happened since my last post. Firstly, this last weekend was really fun. I traveled to Oporto for an orientation with AFS. I left Viseu on Friday at about 3:30. I had to prepare some things for this orientation like traditional food from the states (I made choclate chip cookies, which everyone at the camp asked the recipe for) and other things like a song and a story. After school I walked down to the bus stop with all my stuff and caught a bus to Oporto. The drive was fine, about and hour, and the views from the bus were grand. I didn´t have any batteries left in my camera so I didn´t get any pictures. Other people at the orientation had cameras though and many pictures were taken so I assume I can find some of myself. The whole trip was paid for by AFS and my bus ticket was only 9,50 euros. After I got off the bus in Oporto I really had no idea what to do. I was under the impresion that an AFS staff member would meet me at the end of the line since I was travelling alone but I didn´t see any AFS schwag so I decided to take a walk. I walked out on the street and went around a little square for a while. I saw some local skaters hanging around and skating some sweet jibs (rails and the sort) under an old church in the square, I really wish I had had my camera it was so cool looking. After moseying around for a bit confused I headed back to the bus stop to try and figure out where to go when, by chance, I ran into a familiar face. It just so happened to be an AFS staff member and he was there to get me. Well I waited with him as we rounded up all the other AFSérs coming by bus to the orientation. It was then that I found out how isolated I am. All the other AFS kids had each other to travel with and were all on the same bus. For example a friend of mine in Lisbon goes to school with three other AFS students and I think there is a total of 11 students in Lisbon, 2 in Braga and 3 in Oporto. Everyone else had met up with one another at least once before this camp and I had not heard mention of even AFS until then. I´m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing, it´s different, unique and an experience any way you look at it. Well after all meeting at the bus station we were hearded down the street to a trainstation where we caught multiple trains through the city to our final destination. We stayed in this old creepy seminary that would be perfect for a horror film, we were not allowed to leave the grounds of the place the whole weekend and on top of that we were fed tons of sugary things. If you can imagine roughly 40 excited AFS teens crammed into that building, wired on sugar, desperate for sleep and anxious to express their feeling, emotions and stories to people who are in the same boat as themselves, that is what the scene was like. It was really fun. Once the camp was done(sunday evening) Sofia, Louis and two teachers from Fun Languages came to pick me up. We went and toured Oporto for a bit, we went to the beach and drove around the city. It was cool to see the Atlantic coast for the first time up close, and I could totally feel a different vibe there. This week in school is election week for the new party who will be ruling the school. Here they are called ``Listas´´ or ``Lists´´ in enlish. It´s basically a group of students in the 12th grade who get together and elect themselves into various positions. Each ``List´´ has a president, V.P. and secretaries and stuff. Some have people assigned for parties, others for music, and some have art/design staff. This whole week is bassically a contest of who can be louder and give out the most free stuff. All the ``Lists´´ have sponsors and so far I´ve gotten tons of food and drinks, pens, beach balls and other random things like stickers and whatnot. Each day there are speakers as tall and about three times as wide as I am (6 feet tall, 6 feet wide, not me the speakers) bumping eurotechno as loud as possible. It´s a big party and super cool. In the states the class elections are way more formal and policy based, it´s really cool seeing the difference. I just finished my first big project in art class, we had to design an album for our group of choice. The album had to include aspects from all the groups previous albums and had to pertain aesthetically to their music. I chose Rage Against the Machine and painted this life size poster for part of the project.

That´s all for now, QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS REALLY SPARK MY MEMORY, so if you can think of any let me know. It helpes me as much as you! Thanks for reading, Até Já!

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