Friday, August 28, 2009

Two months, 1 year

So this is about two monthssince I've been home, and about a year since I left for portugal. I feel like I have done quite a bit in what summer I've had here in Oregon. My to-do list remains as tall as ever and is starting to fill up with some big, daunting items.
As far as what I've been doing:
I went to Oregon Country fair which was excellent.
I got a job working at an organic farm.
I have been kayaking and backpacking.
I bought a motorcycle. 1984 Honda VF500 Interceptor
And I have started taking baby steps in preparation for school and college.
I have been at the computer for over an hour now so I'm due for a break, but I will start being more 'wired' again soon.

1 comment:

Zita =^.^= said...

Hey Ben, é bom ler sobre ti! A turma não é a mesma coisa sem ti e quase todos os dias dizemos: "lembras-te uma vez o Ben disse..." :')

Temos todos muitas saudades tuas!!!

Tens de nos fazer uma visita quando poderes!

Beijinhos e espero que corra tudo bem :)

PS: Ve se ainda sabes falar portugues! ^^